Social Prescribing

What is Social Prescribing?

  • Your doctor isn't the only person who can help you fell healthier and happier
  • Social Prescribing can help you to have more control over your life and help find ways to manage your needs in a way that suits you as an individual

Who is social prescribing for?

Any patient who may need extra support with their health and wellbeing.


What are the benefits?

  • Learn a new skill
  • Take part in a new activity
  • Improve Mental Health
  • Improve Physical Healt
  • Help with Money concerns
  • Help with Housing concerns
  • Meet people and many more .....

Here at Hawthorn Drive we have two Integrated Social Prescribers - Debbie Finch and Vicky Vincent


We also work closely with The Oaks Primary School who can offer the following support:



Anglia Care Trust


Anglia Care Trust is a charity based in East Anglia. They deliver a range of projects promoting the well being of children, young people, adults and families alike. For more information click here.


Domestic Abuse


Domestic Abuse is a largely hidden crime, often going unreported. The Police receive, on overage, 100 calls an hour regarding domestic abuse. 1 in 5 children have experienced domestic abuse.

Ask yourself...“Do you feel scared, controlled, nervous, fearful….” local advice, support and resources are available here.