Social Prescribing

What is Social Prescribing?

  • Your doctor isn't the only person who can help you fell healthier and happier
  • Social Prescribing can help you to have more control over your life and help find ways to manage your needs in a way that suits you as an individual

Who is social prescribing for?

Any patient who may need extra support with their health and wellbeing.


What are the benefits?

  • Learn a new skill
  • Take part in a new activity
  • Improve Mental Health 
  • Improve Physical Health
  • Help with Money concerns
  • Help with Housing concerns
  • Meet people and many more .....

Here at Hawthorn Drive we have two Integrated Social Prescribers - Debbie Finch and Vicky Vincent


Who is social prescribing for?

Any patient who may need extra support with their health and wellbeing.


What do we have available now?

We have a range of groups and clubs set up and ready for you to get involved, see below for more details.


We also work closely with The Oaks Primary School who can offer the following support:



Anglia Care Trust


Anglia Care Trust is a charity based in East Anglia. They deliver a range of projects promoting the well being of children, young people, adults and families alike. For more information click here.


Domestic Abuse


Domestic Abuse is a largely hidden crime, often going unreported. The Police receive, on overage, 100 calls an hour regarding domestic abuse. 1 in 5 children have experienced domestic abuse.

Ask yourself...“Do you feel scared, controlled, nervous, fearful….” local advice, support and resources are available here.